Is anyone waiting until AFTER their baby is born to buy nursery furniture?

I’m a FTM and 30 weeks along. My husband and I plan to have our baby sleep in a bassinet in our room for at least the first 6 months. We are getting a portable changing table that can be wheeled around but will most likely stay in our room and already have a pack and play with a changing table that we’re setting up in our living room, downstairs. I’ve been stressing lately about painting the nursery and getting the furniture (crib, dresser, changing table, etc) ordered and ready before the baby gets here and it dawned on me that I am stressing out for no reason due to the fact that our baby won’t even be using that stuff until next summer. I may just get the dresser for now so we have a place to put her clothes in, and a rocking chair in our room to eventually be moved into the nursery, but I started wondering if I’m the only person who’s thinking this? My brother and sister and law just had their baby a few weeks ago and they stressed so much about getting their nursery done prior to the arrival of their son, just for it to be used as a storage room for all the things they got at their baby shower and the baby hasn’t even been in there. I guess I’m just wondering what other people’s thoughts are on this and if you’re also considering this option?