If you were induced (or recommended to induce) specifically because of a "big baby", what constituted as "big" for that recommendation? And did your baby end up being big after all?
Sad to see honestly
WTF is going on here
What’s with all the gold necklaces while exercising?!!! I am so confused by this
First pregnancy: when did you give birth?
Never knew something so small could make me so nervous
I painted a Calvin & Hobbes mural for our baby girl’s nursery. 11 weeks to go!
Can someone explain what happens once you go to the hospital to give birth?
When did you give birth to your first child compared to your due date?
When did you get a linear nigra?
When did you start feeling connected to your baby?
What week was your first ultrasound?
No one tells you how scary it is
When did your heartburn start?
I just want a hot shower
I'm convinced my doctor is being discriminatory towards me and lying to me due to my weight
AITA for not giving away my Taylor Swift cardigan to a disabled girl?
What would you do..
When did you know it was twins?
Got my first one!
my daughter’s 3D ultrasound looks familiar (and a bit frightening)
The 4 week wait…
10 lb weight gain first trimester
Is anyone waiting until AFTER their baby is born to buy nursery furniture?