[question] any suggestions for a keychain micro adjustment tool, or a way to always have a micro adjustment tool on me at all times?

Let me first start out by saying I know there are many ways to jerry rig a tool to that allows for micro adjustments, but sometimes you don’t have something like a paper clip near by. I was wanting to know if there was anyway to work one into my edc without haveing to carry a whole new item. Something like a keychain or maybe a mod to a leatherman? Maybe even a card tool may exist and I’m looking for it in all the wrong places. Any suggestions on how to keep one on me would be greatly appreciated. If the southern United States has 2 thing it’s unbelievable humid heat, and high sodium foods. Both of those make a micro adjustments a must. P.s. I know about on the fly claps and they are a game changer! but some of my favorite watches don’t have the luxury of being easily swapped to a on the fly clasp.