Any suggestions for a 1970s style watch similar to this?
Debating between the two
What do you think about this one?
[question] any suggestions for a keychain micro adjustment tool, or a way to always have a micro adjustment tool on me at all times?
Just ordered this escapement time, because I’ve heard it’s a fan favorite for a while now. But why I’m wondering what’s the best type b flieger on Ali?
SOTC: The Ones That Didn’t Make The Cut
will become your instant buy again?
Opinions on these 3 White Dials please...
Thinking about getting an addiesdive AD2070 on the 11.11 sale, but have they fixed the poor fitment issues? Pics from the AD2048 which appears to share the same case and bracelet.
Keaso - New release !!!
Come across what I think is a new Heimdallr dial - anyone have it?
Any suggestions for a replacement clasp? I’m having a hard time finding one with 2 different size contacts.
Suggestions for chronographs in this style under $200. Either solar quartz or VK 64 movements please.
What’s up with this? Seen some of y’all having the same problem but with a lesser extent. 12 days no update was supposed to be here 7 days ago.
Will a typical skx end link work on the heimdallr skx. I want to add a pvd bracelet to match this.
Is it weird for an item to make its way to local delivery company in less than a week, but then stay at local delivery company for over a week?
Any options for bracelets with this watch (escapement time diver)
Thinking about snagging the heimdallr 007 on the 11/11 sale. The question is which bracelet style?
Fallow up on my octopus kraken bb58 not allowing to use the 3rd micro adjust hole. About 45 minutes with a file and a couple passes with a letherman diamond file did the trick.
Is this a flaw or am I just dumb? Finally trying to wear my octopus kraken gmt on on its bracelet but I can’t get a good fit due to the rivet preventing further micro adjustment.
Any suggestions for jackets like this ,but less than the $200 asking price ?
I’ve said it once I’ll say it again proxima is totally underrated
What are these models I saw it in a previous post?
If you had to choose one from these which would it be?