Anthemius, perhaps the last capable Roman Emperor

In my opinion, Anthemius was perhaps the last capable roman emperor. Perhaps in a more peaceful time he would have been regarded as a good if unremarkable emperor, but he unfortunately reigned in a time when being "good" simply wasn't enough.

Anthemius seems to have recognised the problems facing the western empire and he took steps to fix them, but he was overwhelmed by all the problems arrayed against him.

Anthemius greek origin and the fact he was chosen by the eastern court unfortunately worked against him. He was beset by opposition from the Roman senate, who also accused him of being a pagan. He probably wasn't but some of his close associates were, a fact that didn't help his case.

His campaign against the Vandals was a complete disaster, but he wasn't wholly at fault. His general Basiliscus gave the Vandals five days to draw up conditions for a peace, five days that the Vandals used to launch a surprise attack against the Romans.

Anthemius seems to have recognised that retaking the wealthy African territory was a top priority. If successful it may have given the western some much needed economic power.

The campaign against the Visigoths was more mixed. Anthemius recruited Britons led by King/General Riothamus and they were initially successful. Riothamus was however soon killed and Anthemius was also defeated and his generals were killed.

He had a good working relationship with the east a fact that was exploited for propaganda.

Hig biggest obstacle was Ricimer, unlike the previous puppet Emperors, Anthemius refused to wield to Ricimer. After a short civil war, Anthemius was killed after being defeated in battle.

Anthemius seems to have recognised all the problems facing the western Empire, the loss of Africa, the power of the visigoths and the need for a good relationship with the eastern Empire. He took steps to address the problems, but was a man overwhelmed by powerful enemies, at odds with the roman senate and having to deal with Ricimer. A lesser man would have either died or called it quits far sooner.