I realised even after the timeskip this guy never changed his clothes
Why does Katara say "It's not magic. It's waterbending!" to Sokka
This was the most successful Death Note user
I kinda forgot how strange season 1 was
Has a ref ever chosen to ignore someone throwing in the towel?
Death Note Drama 2015
Why was Light so sexist?
I loved that in Attila civilians would chase down routing units in sieges and kill them.
Who was the smartest Death Note user?
Characters the series forgot about
This map always made me interested in the southern continent that we only see the tip of
"ok when I say the word Legions I want you all to come in and unsheathe your swords, it will look really cool"
What has Nick Griffin the former head of the BNP been up to recently?
Why was the Shogun 2 campaign so mod friendly?
Will Ryuk die eventually?
I've always wondered what Antony's speech would have been like on the show
How seriously should we take Gandalf when he tells Frodo that Sauron though the ring was destroyed?
Was there a previous Kira?
In which moment did light yagami his biggest mistake? He had the perfect killing tool, but somehow he failed to stay anonymous.
Do you think we will ever see another game like Spartan total warrior?
What if both Caesar and Mark Anthony had been Assassinated?
Why did Sauron station himself at Dol Guldur, why not somewhere more isolated?
How did previous death note users affect the world?
Anthemius, perhaps the last capable Roman Emperor
Suetonius writes that after the death of Caligula the Consuls and Senate were determined to restore the Republic. What was their plan to restore the Republic?