I just took two positive tests last night. This is unplanned. I’m terrified
Hello, I’m looking for kind words of advice. I’m with an amazing man who I know I want to marry, but we just found out we are expecting last night after I finally broke down and took tests being 18 days late to my period. He was so loving and calm/collected about it all and very reassuring.
My family is going to be so disappointed. I’m 27 but having a child out of wedlock has always been the biggest no-no for me as I am Catholic and feel like a massive hypocrite now. But I know that this is God’s plan and it will all work out. I just am terrified of the social ramifications too. I am in shock over all of this.
That said we are going to get engaged this week. We are looking to marry in a few months (we wanted to anyway). I am so blesssed to have this great man but I’m so, SO scared. Anyone else been in this experience wanna lend some words of wisdom? Idk what to even think rn