Can I marry at another parish if it’s urgent (pregnancy)?
Question about marrying in other parish
Moms who got pregnant before marriage: how did it work socially for you when you had baby after marriage and people “did the math”?
Religion is tearing us apart
Are cramps every day normal?
Heard today: twins named Wryleigh and Wraighth
Unplanned pregnancy, wanting to get married anyway
Losing my baby at 18 weeks
I just took two positive tests last night. This is unplanned. I’m terrified
Looking for song: bride dance with older brother
Hotel Galifornia
Best keyboard that won’t break the bank
Today I learned there’s a sub for Gali
Missing my close friend - we used to nerd out on Gali.
Struggling with Intrusive thoughts and Chastity
I think I finally made peace with my past
I broke a tooth; it’s super painful. Even with my insurance I can’t afford to fix it?! I can’t eat!! What am I supposed to do?! 😩😭
Cannot open info for locations
People keep stealing my money
A list of phrases not to text devout catholic women
CVPA shooter’s family had gun removed from home - no idea how he got the other.
I cant figure out how to fix this, any help?
That kind of album to listen in sad moments
No officer, I did not park my rig there intentionally…