I‘m actually scared to find out what my dog does when i‘m gone
UFC/ MMA casuals can't explain how the guy on the right could totally pound the guy on the left into submission
Has anybody had problems with beer I’ve recently been diagnosed and am about to turn 21 just wondering
Got some pretty bad hail damage, wondering if it’s totaled
iPad Mini – Is It Worth Maxing Out the Specs?
That was some big ass hail!
Arm Band Question
It’s been an amazing 5 months. 👌
How many of you have apple care?
Which phone should I go for and why?
The slow march toward total abandonment :(
Is this a good first car purchase?
🎶in the arms of the angels…🎶
This is brutal 💔
The owner had depression and I cleaned her home for free
Is a lack of security updates really that much of an issue?
Time to say goodbye
Before general anesthesia you have to fast so you don't vomit during surgery, what do they do for emergency surgeries where you haven't fasted?
2114 days, It's over...
Gaethje want title shot, will he get it?
Can anyone tolerate Greek yogurt? (Specifically FAGE)
You got 2 choices as the attending
In search of AWD Sedan for around $25k. Used Camry or almost new Subaru Legacy?
Is diet soda really that bad in moderation?
What’s your “attainable” dream car?