Off Meta decks just put in work!!!
Phyrexian cedh commanders
Decks you didn't build or had to retire because the play experience of playing against them would be awful.
What are the lowest mana value 2 card combos that can be achieved using only legendary creatures?
Found a box of cards. Got a great idea. How do I make a deck for curses, red, white and black?
What do you think the best cEDH decks would be if you modded them to be bracket 3 cEDH? (c3dh?)
What was a commander that turned from a “novel concept” into an actual threat in the format?
Looking for Gyruda discord.
Share your mono Black Commander... That isn't Aristocrats!
Are Izzet decks (non krark saka) viable in today's meta?
Looking for Gyruda pilots.
Gyruda discord?
Looking for a Commander (Budget to Competitive)
Trying to get better at making alters that are still playable any suggestions?
Niche decks that you enjoy
A super cute alter I painted recently for a client whose been with me for a few years now. 😀 Reference by: Vincent Lefevre
Can my deck sit at the big kids table?
Ketramose, the New Dawn cEDH draws so much cards!!!!
Who here is playing with Amphibian Downpour and how has it performed for you so far?
Opened my first ever mtg booster and got this guy. How cool it is?
What are the most unique (viable) decks in cEDH at the moment?
Looking for magic scene in Stuttgart.
Best color combination/commander for an infinite combo deck (as cheap as possible)?
Looking for thrasios/Amrix lists.