Kapruka.com is a SCAM……….
Do y’all know a good place to buy baby books.
So much Negative vibes from Reddit Sri Lanka
Seeking Ideas for Developing My Land in Arugam Bay
Can I send 2 months of medicine supply via post from Sri Lanka to UK?
Where can I donate food and items for families in need?
Where are some of the prettiest cafes in Colombo?
What Product Do You Wish You Could Buy Online in Sri Lanka?
Fed up with loud neighbors
looking for a good laptop repair center in CMB - Spilled coke on laptop, got it cleaned & repaired but now it’s freezing time to time n won’t turn on
Which social media ( for communication ) app yall use the most?
Angel wings??
Who's that one actor/actress that everyone finds attractive but you don't?
What is this phone case brand?
I tried Necto after long time and it’s taste like shi*tty chemical water
Are Sri Lankan milk packets just sugar syrups?
Your go to with Pol Sambol
Good News: As an initial step to modernise SriLanka's public transport, a pilot project consisting of 300 low-floor luxury buses will be operated on the 4 main corridors to Colombo.
What’s the cheapest courier service around?
Affordable and good buffets around colombo
Name any supermarkets in Nuwaraeliya with liquor
Rimowa luggage in Srilanka
What are some quality clothing options we have in SL for men? When I say quality, I mean products made with good materials, fits well & lasts at least a year or two. Not these fast fashion brands made with synthetic materials & only lasts for weeks.
Dialog wifi 4G Broadband Data scam?