FAFO, Contractor and Tarrifs edition
Dearborn voters experience buyers remorse after voting for Trump
Votes for anti-DEI, gets anti-DEI
Female player Kiss3TheRain on difference in playing between a mixed and all-female team: "I wasn't very confident and maybe all the males were all speaking and there can be too much talking...in the female scene, nobody's really talking so it was a good opportunity for me to practice shotcalling."
Appreciation Post: QTCinderella on Broadcast
I find it's hilarious that some people are throwing a fit about the 'Zero Tolerance Chat Filter'
Fnatic vs. Cloud9 / 2022 World Championship - Group A / Post-Match Discussion
Team Vitality vs. Excel Esports / LEC 2022 Spring - Week 1 / Post-Match Discussion
It took one man's death but several anti vaxxers I work with changed their minds this morning.
Sources: Team Liquid have decided on their 2022 lineup - Bwipo, Santorin, Bjergsen, Hans sama, CoreJJ + current conversation around the other teams
Reginald Q & A
Pilfered this from elsewhere after a quick search here for repostage
Coronavirus deaths are highest in counties with the largest share of Trump voters
W wouldn't consent. W earned his HCA.
My how the turntables turn. Alice knows how much aborted baby parts cost and is upset about the covid trackers in phones. Vitamins and god is all she needs. Husband gives unsurprising health update
Biker Snowflake claims his HCA
r/HermanCainAward Daily Vent Thread - October 07, 2021
Local Hero Claims HCA Award
We're far kinder than their kids will be.
r/HermanCainAward Daily Vent Thread - September 30, 2021
I have no mind's eye, but I have a perfect mind's ear
Evelynn Baddest cosplay
Bought at the top to encourage you retards to not give up
If MAD and LDG get through, there won't be a group draw
2020 LCS Summer Playoffs / Round 3 Day 1 / Live Discussion