Why is obelisk blue the highest rank in duel academy instead ra yellow despite ra is the strongest egyptian god card?
Which Sentai characters do you think should became extra ranger? Here is mine
How can engine from go-onger have children if they are robot?
Could megatherium & other ground sloth species swim? Modern tree sloth are suprisingly good swimmer & can move faster in water
Which one of these sentai villainess would you rather date in real-life?
What are your theory on how decade get neo-heisei kamen rider cards?
Are there primate cryptid that are quadrupedal instead bipedal like bigfoot,yeti,& almas? Why do every primate cryptid are bipedal despite human are the only primate that evolve bipedalism?
Elizamon lv6 revealed
My fanmade super sentai villains card(part 1)
Orangutan once live in mainland asia during pleistocene. Are there modern sighting of orangutan in mainland asia?
New Digimon teased for New Century
Does anyone what to see sentai season with blue ranger or yellow ranger as main character? Zenkaiger are the only sentai season that had non-red ranger as main character
If Real-life Nordic god cards have these effect,would they be too broken?
Who is the strongest magic user in tokusatsu?
Would the ground sloth,Mylodon be good candidate for de-extinction since we have preserved skin & hair of mylodon?
Could terror bird be still alive? there are 2 cryptid theorized to be surviving terror bird: Nervelu from patagonia & Pach-an-a-ho' from USA
The most famous cryptid from each continent
What do you think is the most famous from each continent?