Are there any English speaking tarot readers in Taipei, Taiwan?
Tarot/Birth Chart Reading Reviews
Pick a card: Uranus and Neptune !
What’s blocking my manifestations?
Tip Jar
Possible blessings wih the next Jupiter♋️ in my 7th house? 👀
What to expect from this person?
My first ever card pull, does this interpretation sound right?
Cirque du Tarot
why do I still think about him even tho I don’t have feelings anymore?
i am headless person, i see headless people
How do you feel about your astrology chart overall?
Does my chart show suffering?
How easy/ fast is it for you to move on from a breakup?
I don’t see my wife in my dreams
Why hasnt he responded?
Shoud I meet that one guy
Do people with Venus in Sagittarius truly want kids, or does parenting feel like a cage to their free spirit?
What does the #33 represent in dreams?
Why do you think I struggle with sleep and rest
False awakening three times and saw myself
Reoccurring Dream
What does he think of me?
Your tarotscope for the total lunar eclipse in Virgo: Pick a Card