Most attractive female character in Supernatural?
Pot users of Reddit, who is your favorite fictional pothead?
Do you remember your first computer games? What were they?
Galenas- truffle cake 🤙😤
Fun things to do? We love arcades/ thrifting/ comic book shops/ goth clubs/ art exibits.
If you were to teleport to any anime verse which would you choose?
Suggestions please
i is for…
as your zodiac sign, which mbti are you?
What’s your Gambino “niche reference” you quote frequently that nobody else gets?
ULPT Request: garbage spot pettiness
Second time this week I have seen this in Dairy.
"UELPT REQUEST" help please
18yo me sucks. lol
Finally went to Trap Stars…
Galenas- Waybread 💨👌🔥
A bizarre smoking contraption from a 1997 High Times ad. Where can I find one of these?
Best flower right now
actual footage of chapperone about to both sides a situation
Pretty accurate
Hey younger millenials how did the twilight movies ever take off?
Don't bully me too hard, did I get bad weed?
Sunday Fun Day! What are you folks smoking today? ❤️🌲