3Years Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer, Estrogen positive Her2 Neg
I know we’ve already discussed carseat safety with these two, but holy shit
How are you feeling post cancer?
Karine pregnant with baby #3
What does Natalie do to support herself? Date Josh?
19F Make me cry
Name your favorite Downton Character....
This is the Whit we know…
Has anyone seen Tina’s and Scott’s IGs ?
Anna is such a girl’s girl and sweet soul.
7 years today and I will grieve...
Can I shower daily?
Couldn’t help myself.
Really Jasmine
So weird 👀
Is there a snark sub? I have something I want to post, but pretty sure it would get removed. Better fit for a smaller sub with a lot less traffic anyway...
Is this too high waisted on me?
Conspiracy theory: Gino and Jasmine
More than a buddy… but is he though?
Did you do a photo shoot before surgery?
No seriously, what do y'all do about low rise pants and underwear?
So much editing.
Named baby before gender now unsure
Swipe to see me lose 60KG!