How does this change the pecking order in the DC universe?
Rant: I hate when AI services market themselves as free online to reveal it's just a free trial
Lyndon B. Johnson does not get enough hate
Lyndon B. Johnson does not enough hate
MCU Captain America is Low Multiversal
Why didn't Aquaman help the Avengers in Infinity War?
How did Seamus lose to a guy with a broken wand?
How much did irl heroes effect the flop of the DCEU?
Is Midnight '65 a wholesome mod?
[R/Kamenrider] Is Shocker based off Hydra?
[r/Earth1] I... just can't believe he's actually gone.
I wish for £200 to pay of my mortgage
Defending the "Hated" Presidents – Like someone from 1996 who woke up in 2024
I hate Phil Scott
I wish Kamen rider had English dubs
Wonder Woman bested by schoolyard bullies (Pegasus)
Kyoko the nun
A new thought I had...
Homura holding Sayaka with her ribbon
Theory: Madoka's original power was to inflate like a ballon
Kyoko and Hitomi fighting with swords
No, DCEU Superman is NOT solar system level, neither is MCU Thor
What criticism of RWBY do you think is unfair?
Why is America so obsessed with Zyuranger? Wrong answers only