Tuning master list with links + links for non-guitarists
Acoustic guitar pickups
A song I wrote a while ago called Words Won’t on baritone guitar
Trying to deliver some of these heavier riffs and rhythms on acoustic
Totally obsessed with baritone guitar
Recently finished up a song for acoustic guitar. It’s called Phantasma.
Finished a new song recently and just released it. It’s called Phantasma.
My Patreon is live!
A baritone guitar idea I was messing around with last week
I’ve been challenging myself to write one short piece for guitar a week. Here’s one of them.
I just love drop tunings on acoustic. CGDGBE
I’ve been working on writing a ‘riff’ a week. Came up with this guy a few weeks back.
[Daily News] Omega Expands Increasingly Popular Speedmaster 38 Collection; Amida Brings Back The Space Age Digitrend; MeisterSinger Updates Their Most Minimalist Neo; And Hautlence Is Inspired By 40s Radios
Elden Ring is an all time favorite of mine and I tried to arrange the theme for acoustic guitar. Hope you guys enjoy.
Name this TV show
Calling this one Monarch
Got a new EP on the way - this tunes on it. It’s called Monarch!
Monarch - the tune I’m most excited about on my upcoming EP. Hope you guys enjoy
New tune of mine i'm calling 'Hummingbird'. DADEAE tuning for this one.
New song I recently wrapped up called 'Hummingbird'. DADEAE tuning for this one.
New song I’m working on and having a blast with. Hope you guys dig it.
Working on this new fingerstyle riff. Feels a little prog maybe. Having fun with it.
I finally finished the tab for my arrangement of Dreams. It’s available for free for anyone interested.
I finished up this arrangement of Dreams by Fleetwood Mac. The tab is free for anyone interested.
Some harmonic fun in F-G#-C-G-C-D#. Guitar is a Lowden F23 and I’m playing through a Tonewood Amp!