I do as I'm asked
Just looked at the time
Characters that casually walk around in their underwear (either partially or entirely)
Would you believe that's just not a thing on the East Coast? [OC]
Nerf Humungousaur
Tell me something you like and i'll tell you why it's trash(rule)
Worst joke ever
Every time
I saw this while waking up from a nap in the car. I have no idea what it's supposed to mean.
If Tekken can get an anime, why not Guilty Gear?
Both valid opinions
Grab your popcorn, squiddies and octos
Anything similar for 1.18? (The mountains are optional)
Music rule
please I need new music
Instead of how attractive you think a protagonist is, I wanna know how unattractive or even downright ugly you think they are. (Includes all Mainline protagonists, no offense u/UnholyBirth)
We have 5 mainline protagonists, So I got a question for you all. Which of all the protagonists there are..do you find the most attractive and why. Feel free to simp and crush (Don't mention Naoki's hat.)
Is this skin cringy?
Not a cutie girlfriend
Ghost of Tsushima Singleplayer Unlock
It’s time for round 4. Give me those frosty suggestions. I’ll be prioritizing those who I’ve not drawn yet
had this equipped for like an hour and it was hell