Baby boy name ideas - thoughts, favourite from below?
Baby boy name decision. Thoughts? Favourite?
Middles name that goes nicely with Eli?
Middle name that goes nicely with Eli?
I failed my driving test because I had a lot of minor faults add up, which snowballed into serious faults. A lot of it was due to steering (steered too late, moved off too early, parked too far from curb). Is this bad? Worried about trying again.
How long did it take for you to make genuine friends at Uni? (if you did at all)
How many times did it take you to pass your practical test?
Is Luca is a common UK boys name?
Is Luca a common UK boys name?
Similar boy names to Arlo, Luca and Remi?
How much would you notice someone having a panic attack in public, and if you noticed what would you do?
Do panic attacks ever require genuine physical medical attention?
Can our brains control our lungs - like can we actively choose to breathe / not breathe?
Do you think your brain can control your lungs? We can actively choose to breathe / not breathe? Sometimes I worry that I'm going to forget to breathe.
Do you think your brain can control your lungs? We can actively choose to breathe / not breathe? Sometimes I think that I'm going to forget to breathe.
Anxious that I need to keep breathing
Have you ever had a panic attack so bad you needed the hospital?
Should I be scared of hypnotherapy? The media's portrayal of it has scared me into thinking I don't have control.
Is it possible to strive for perfection without sacrificing well-being, why or why not?