When no other charger is available and you’re stuck using this one :/
Comment mitosis in... r/commentmitosis.
Honestly I didn't know verification codes were sent on WhatsApp
Menu error
A redesign of the flag of Northern Ireland I Made
The U.S. Redesigned - Wisconsin
We should all be meowing a lot more often
Posting every municipal flag in Belgium: Day 274, Kuurne
Travel Map
Borders where one side is green and the other is not as much.
Flags I saw outside of an Australia-themed bar in Paris
i made the flag of the Dutch-Inca Empire
Karen harasses and calls police on man selling scarfs
Pizza, jossa tomaattikastiketta, sardiineja, punasipulia, oliiveja, aurinkokuivattua tomaattia, fetaa, basilikanlehtiä. Käytin kaupan valmista (ei pakastettua) pohjaa. Sardiini ja kuullotettu punasipuli sekoitettu tomaattikastikkeeseen.
Lyhyesti – Finnish Word of the Day – 15. maaliskuuta 2025
Does this flag, In my AU, pass?
This mistake is so f*cking stupid
Current flags of departments of Haiti were All Adopted on April 16, 1992.
Can someone identify this (maybe) flag seen in Paris?
Romani people page vandalism
The U.S. Redesigned - Nebraska
How my dad shows his love. (I live in northern Utah)