She feels very weak to play
B-But Lucian/Nami is OP?!
The Air Force Angel of America
What is your next move
The first "kiss" of my two favorite feral girls
S15 HIGHEST LP REKSAI WORLD | only otp reksai to hit challenger EUW | COACHING UPON REQUEST
Eve in pro play
If Chaos Gods of WH40k played League of Legends, Eve would be Slaanesh's go-to, agree or disagree?
Hi there, looking for someone? 😈
Is this even legal?
What would you name it?
Does riot even try to fix inting issues? Just ban half the player base at this point
What do I do when I path bot but bot is getting destroyed and top is winning?
Switched from Top to Jungle for one reason and that's to hunt down Evelynn. Now I'm climbing my way out of Emerald.
Cast E during Stun today, An interesting bug or feature.
tryndamere ult rework idea
Trying to play any other role than JG as a JG is beyond painful.
Isn’t it certain servers that have the middle version? I play on EUW and it uses the far left
Briar Cosplay (self)
Will sending my op. gg link with an impressive winrate during champ select actually improve my team's trust in me or will it backfire?
How do you deal with Tahm Kench?
The Wizard King Fan Art *Incomprehensible Mumbling Loudens*
This deserves an S- :(
Why doesn't riot Just add jungle timers?
Hextech rocketbelt