I’m not a massive makeup person but one of you might know. Dani sells makeup so shouldn’t she be keeping that in temperature controlled storage not just a storage shed?
So Inny is moving to Paris next month. Seems she might be forgetting that 🤔
Someone update me please because I don’t want to watch her videos and she doesn’t show up on my FYP anymore and I don’t want to ruin that lol
Where would Inny work?
Tia Jaie
Could be a reach but I have a theory
Please take a moment to read
@emiloy2.0 the most out there thing I’ve ever seen.
Are all these people off to London basically going to an awards thing for who can scab online the best?
Sasha Morpeth is turning into a real life bobble head
Saw this in tea time and instantly thought of Ninny 😂 someone should let her know.
Does Renee Hogan’s voice piss anyone else off to no end? She always sounds like her mouth is full of saliva like she isn’t just talking naturally.
If I was Inny’s grandparents I would be pissed I drove all that way for Christmas lunch to be some sausages served in tiger bread rolls.
Has anyone else come across Charleigh? Her @ is chazjoan
Her bottom teeth are nightmare fuel
Fidan Christmas party
Let’s do our own little Aussie TikTok Snark Wrapped. I’m going to list my favourite ‘influencer’ moments and a little snark member moment you guys feel free to share all yours too.
She’s such a self centred twat. Her mum watches her content and here she is just telling her what she got her for Christmas. Has to brag about buying another useless expensive makeup product
Firstly ma’am, your fly is undone and second you pretend to be so fancy and need luxury yet you still cannot visit a pet store to buy correct food for your cat wtf
I’m sorry but there is no way the dress she wore to the ballet is meant to look like that 💀
Jesus calm down being so generous Dani, someone won a whole ass 10% discount code on your wheel!?
Do we think she walks around her parents house Regina George meltdown style every time she is called out for being a liar?
So Alyssa has always been tragic but the ‘taking our pet sperm for a walk’ has to be an all time low for her as a parent.
Today Luke is lying about owning the house he is living in because he painted the garage door for Halloween 💀
Did anyone else see Luke Albury on the cruise ship allowing Issy’s child to sit at the pokie machine?