AITA for calling the cops on the family of a girl with a cognitive disability?
Does anyone sorta zone out while driving, then randomly zone back in and wonder how they are still alive?
WIBTA if I ask my coworker to stop microwaving fish after she told me that this is her budget meal?
Should I keep my credit card limit high after paying it off?
Salary in Toronto?
(22F) Is it weird that my (21M) boyfriend is going on a 10-day trip with a female friend he met two months ago?
Why you giving him more ..
Never adopt children when you're already old and if you do, don't adopt just one.
What can I do if I think a sinkhole may open up under my house?
Is it hard to make career changes in Toronto?
My boyfriends insta feed
Is it wrong to ask my boyfriend to block two women he went clubbing with?
If you had to make an ideal strip mall with 5 stores in it what would they be?
This ad is on a childrens game video
Fake job reference companies
How to find 8-month sublet?
Scared of the US and Canada trade war
How did you choose your career?
Hey! Need 100 responses for my stats class.(Anyone, preferably over the age of 18)
getting over a close friend do your even forget eventually?
Staples refill must be broken to fit
Do I need to pay this back ?
Just wanted to have some chocolate ice cream
SO’s account unfollowed and removed me from following them, any chance it’s a glitch?