He voted for Trump. Now his wife sits in an ICE detention center.
far-righters pretending to be pro-palestine is so odd to me
Its interesting how many leftist legit don’t get that this is the basis for much of America’s politics, this is called Idpol by people
Who's this guy?
American Vaushites whats somethings you think non Americans don’t get or understand about America, or its culture
Me after watching that Sam Seder 1 vs 20
Why do white women get a pass for reactionary politics but all men are seen as shifting right?
Which one of you did this??
We seriously need to finish Reconstruction
I finally understand Hoteps - FD Signifier
Where does Vaush get this Idea that the US is behind on street fashion from? If anything big cities were fashion movers years in advance
Is Fascism a Mental Illness?
Voosh when theres a far right shooter
Really says a lot about how they think doesn’t it
Dark Woke Rising
People say I should feel sorry for this person.
Back on his bullshit, it seems
PRIDE Magazine | What is Dark Woke & should the left embrace it?
You can tell how anti human fascist and reactionaries are based off their propaganda case in point
Why does nobody care that Vance follows (open) Neo-Nazis on Twitter?
Who is this asian baddie
RFK at this very moment
Americans really voted for this shit