Other than Team 7 what team do you think had the best chemistry in combat?
LF tortera
Y'all will hate but I'm telling you, this ain't bad
This one's actually decent
Looking for genetic apex ♦️♦️♦️ Butterfree , Beedrill, moltres, articuno, magneton, jolteon, hypno, kabutops, nidoking, muk, aerodactyl, snorlax. Everything down the bottom is for trade
3 Diamond card
LF Venasaur FT picture
LF Venasaur, FT in pic
LF ♦️♦️♦️ Venasaur and Gyrados to finish GA
LF: Muk
LF: Melmetal or Snorlax (GA)
Gyrados, Venasaur and Executor♦️♦️♦️
Y'all think I should run 2 marshadow or 2 sudowudoo (1 version of the other)
Choose a number between 1-1024 and I'll give you a superpower in my notes.
LF GA 3♦️ Charazard, Blastoise, Venasaur, Executor, Gyrados and Ditto to complete the set
LF Magmortar
Looking for a Serperior
LF 3D Jolt, Vile, Rai, Mew
Lf: Exeggutor, Blastoise, Zapdos, Eelektross, Gengar, Ditto
LF Golem, Machamp, and Lucario
Looking for Celebi EX for any of these: 3263-2740-1005-4483
Support has left me high and dry, can anyone tell me where I've gone wrong with Immersive Mew?