Forgot to post this but a week ago Fortnite added this interesting Mr. Brightside emote lol
Getting drunk with a monkey because the Nazis blew up my girlfriend who hates me.
I got three guitars for free. Best day of my life.
What colours are your books?
You know you've watched Ghosts too many times when...
I just wanna know who made this
Favorite Music Video?
Best exam pen?
My therapist: Chicken Brandon can't hurt you. He's not real. Chicken Brandon:
Wie findet ihr Deutsch, wenn ihr es macht?
Mega fan of The Killers
Battle Born Bolt tattooed by the one and only Iron Glacier at Atlas in Portland, OR.
You can't hear an image! The image:
What's his name gonna be?
Wife made me a birthday cake in the shape of one of my babies
One-Off Taylor Master Grade Koa Dreadnought
What subjects does your school make you do?
is this pen allowed in exams?
My friends say I have a type.
Thoughts on Your Side of Town
Big Talk Jimmy Kimmel Performance?
What covers do y’all recommend?
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