Using Fruits in Spells? (Discreet Witch)
does anyone know where I can buy a second hand Omnipod dash PDM?
Will a pimple patch work to cover up a hickey?
België: foto gepubliceerd in krant zonder akkoord, wat kan ik doen, krant reageert niet
Raped and how I chose it.
What foods are good for you on your period?
I just want a broke boyfriend who loves me for real
Question about Saturn in 1st House
What would happen when you accidentally combine two spell
Lost a friend of a decade after suggesting we watch Midsommar. “It traumatized me.”
Honesty Hour ⏳
Daten in Tilburg
rate my love spell please
What to do with my underwear after a yeast infection?
Waar in Tilburg vind je de lekkerste hamburger(s)?
[OC] "Guys where do you pee?" Reddit comments visualised
leaving partner who smokes a lot every day
Well shit
Does this outfit give off Bisexual energy or what?!
Need reminders of why to stay away from weed
What do you do when you feel like you're not cool enough for your piercings?
Hond verkracht door 76-jarige buurman tijdens vakantie: ‘Daily is niet meer dezelfde’
I don't want to do with my mentally ill 16 year old
My gf is going on a trip with a guys thats " like a brother"
Is is unusual/weird to have eye makeup (mascara,eyeliner, etc) on a bare face?