AITAH for making my boyfriend pay me back after he ‘accidentally’ spent my grocery money on a video game?
When the Halimeda develops suspiciously Blenny-shaped bitemarks.
Can you buy an anemone if the fish LOVE it?
my first paludarium help requested for choosing an animal
Tjejer, hur bör man vara på en första dejt som kille?
Upgraded setup (weeks later) based on your guys’ feedback. How are we lookin?
What can live in here?
I think I messed up and my soil is wet, should I go ahead and take apart the tank?
Dejtar en kvinna som tjänar dubbelt så mycket som jag, någon som har erfarenhet?
Tree frog hasn't had UV light in 4 months!
Which rug for my living room?
Cleaning day part 2
please help is this normal
is there any frog species that can happy live in a 10 gal?
Uhhh what are these and what do I do
ID on the algae on the rock?
Is 4cm enough depth for a moss terrarium table?
Valp verkar tro att man leker i sovrummet och sover utomhus?
Mold help needed
Safe to use? (Preserved moss sheet)
is this a good starter set up?
Why is it that others can add cherry shrimp day one but mine die
Struggling with my tank
Mossy Frogs or Fire Bellied Toads?
What’s happening with my plant