How do you say "I love you" in your language?
What are some dirty talk phrases you like women to stay while having sex?
What is the best compliment to give to your bf?
How do you make your girlfriend happy?
my boyfriend is mad at me because i don’t want to go to sleep on the phone with him. what do i do?
If you were raised by strict parents, you are probably a very good liar.
Drake makes good music.
What is your cutesy nickname for your significant other?
Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?
Why do you stop praying when things start going well?
God forgave prostitutes but when it came to choosing the mother of his son, he chose a virgin.
How do you tell someone that you like her?
What’s a good cheap gift for a guy?
What do guys do in this situation?
My gf cheated on me 2 yrs ago I just found out
[H] $40 Olive Garden/Darden GC [W] $28 Paypal/Zelle
What do women actually look for in a guy?
My boyfriend doesn’t go down on me
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What is ruining your mental health?
What sound makes you feel good?
Are there still men who choose to remain virgins until their wedding night?
He died but his music is still alive, name one artist?
How do you think genetics influence a person's intelligence, stress tolerance, and other traits that affect their equality?