Daily Card Concepts Day 436
Thoughts on my boss relic tier list? Anything I'm under/overvaluing? Also, as a bonus can you guess my ascension?
I wonder if this idea is too op, oh well let's see how it goes
He made a nickname for me and calls me by it
My new 2025 series ranking of the warrior cat series
I need help finsihing my python binary search code, can someone help?
Something I appreciate about…
So, Tungsten rod but slightly different. Thoughts?
Spanish or vanish
Is there a name for the technique I used to prove d/dx(ln(x)) = 1/x?
Fixed my relic idea from yesterday, anyways this totally isn't a coding reference guys
Any ideas for a better chimera team?
When you think you're doing good on a test for once and you look up at the time left:
My friend said I should stop making only ironclad cards and I should make some for other characters.... So I made more ironclad cards
How do you remember syntax?
So what if we gave ironclad the ability to cause an apocalypse?
Finally some easy math...
AITA for swearing at someone in class for making a joke about my dead dog?
ELI5: What causes proteins to misfold?
My First patch of seven deadly sins based cards, I'm not some big bro so balancing isn't great but I just thought these would be fun to use
Can someone help me complete this proof of the power ruel I discovered?
Why does IntroSort use Insertion as opposed to shell sort?
$1,000,000 a year but..
Can someone confirm if my current definitions of continuity and differentiability are correct?