The 80s held on long Into the 90s
Your honest opinion about every decade Day 11: The 2000s
Defining Xennials as 1977 to 1983 because they were born during the original Star Wars trilogy?
Columbine vs 9/11: which event ended the 90s a lot more?
The 80s bled more into the 90s than the 90s bled into the 2000s
Why is Gen Z so obsessed with generations?
What are you guys unpopular decade opinions
Never liked gatekeeping over "decade-kid" labels towards much younger people
For those of you who think the 2000s music was bad give us reason why?
Unpopular Opinions about Generations
What do you guys think is the most overrated decades of all time
Honestly looking back 2010 was a good year for animated movies I still remember seeing Megamind in 2010 as a kid
What are your thoughts on this era?
Am I the one that prefers the 2008 to 2010 noods era for Cartoon Network over the 2013 to 2016 era of Cartoon Network
Mid 2010s kids culture is heavily underrated
Unpopular opinion but I think baby boomers are overhated by people especially millennials and zoomers on the internet
Pop culturally mid 2020s feel better than mid 2010s
What caused such a drastic shift from 2010s internet culture to 2020s internet culture?
There are no younger gen z actors.
Funny video about being born in 1981
Is this an agreeable statement about the first iPad kids?
Best year of movies for the 2010s?
2000 and 2009 pop culture felt very far apart from one another.
Do you guys consider 2014 to be culturally early 2010s or mid 2010s
Does it feel strange to you that high school seniors today were born in 2007?