Hi there
It is ever stated what happened to Shelob after the events of the story?
What my sister gave me for dinner. Minus the sauce.
Trying to Get My Son to See the Reality of a Music Career
Turkeys ritual ?
How can I take control of my life as a SAHD?
Do we just...not follow the rules of the road any more?
Just skinny or muscular?
My Peugeot 308 2008 just clocked more than 500k miles
Ed Zeppelin
So do I keep the mullet?
Should I cut my facial hair? I don't like how I look w/o it
Name ideas for my eel?
Help a newbie out. Castle donington?
What is the greatest acting performance in film history?
What’s your least favorite movie trope?
Ran Into Elijah Wood
My mother made this. Thoughts?
Pay to Play
Bob Greenyer on “Relic Neutrinos” on the Psionics Live Stream (Serious)
So, enough of the moans & groans…
Who do I look like?
[SERIOUS] Jon Stewart Press Release - New Information Regarding the "Victor Alien Interview"
Press Release Regarding New Information Related to "Victor Alien Interview"
Are they accepting applications?
Does this village have a lot of “accidents”?