She stole something again. I need advice
Why do some people bend the corners of their licence plates ?
Has anyone had this happen?
Has anyone else here experienced a dream where you hear your name yelled and wake up startled and gasping ?
Food Stamps Apparently.
What are punishment methods for your children that actually seem to work and stick?
I'm so sick and tired of people calling my bun ugly because of her color
What are the tastiest chickpea recipes?
What and where is this exactly???? 👀
AIO in expecting it to take less than a week for a response?
Can somone explain
I have a 2016 Hyundai Elantra. It recently doesn't want to start?
WIBTAH if i got a vibrator?
What are some low calorie foods that keep you full longer?
I give you this pineapple sea cucumber
I need to know if I should hire a lawyer for malpractice
Mullet, yes or no?
My partner says he'd rather get off to porn then to be intimate with me. What should I do?
Skull cavern advice?
Anyone else feel bad foraging near Linus’s tent because he probably needs it more than you?
AIO? Started talking to a woman on a dating app, got asked if I’d be ready to be a step father in a year
As an adult, How bad it is to have your tonsils removed ?
What is something you WOULD wish on your worst enemy?
What is the best working poison to kill these damn stink bugs?
What is the best poison to kill stink bugs?