Price dropped before it releases :/
Thought my son lost this card for over 8 years.
Mabostiff Box at Dicks!
Picked these up at a card show today in Toronto. Did I get ripped off?
Crown zenith or brilliant stars?
I just got back in the US and went to stores and poke vending machines, I am getting mean looks by the store employees. I assume people did not behave
(price in CAD) there's no way this is worth that price right?
The largest distributor of Pokemon Cards in the US is scalping
Car ran a red light in front of the cops
Official Reveal of Iono's Kilowattrell from Journey Together!
Allegedly in Thailand
Resealed booster box
Can amyone help me figure out what I’m sitting on?
This game released less than 24 hours ago btw
Just a few Luffy
A new California bill called AB 1333 wants to ban self-defense - it would make it illegal for homeowners to use lethal force against violent criminals during home invasions
I build guitars for a living, but I’m terrible at marketing. What genre do you think this instrument is for?
He's a boomerang
Started a Drowzee & $100 bill collection
People are cracked
Crazy this was happening as we were born/ kids
I just can't today...
To The Guy At Walmart