What do you see here? Our baby's gender is on this post-it, but it’s a mess
Endometritis - Worried about killing good bacteria and retesting
TW: Positive test - 7dpt pink discharge, now brown on 8dpt
4 dpt frozen embryo, tested this morning & it was negative. When did you get your first positive? I transferred a single 4AA embryo
Period after birth
Inconclusive Natera test 3x and I’m worried
Hcg levels - 7dpt
First ultrasound at 7w1d, measuring small. HR 113bpm.
for those who did pgt-a testing…
Discontinuing progesterone 14dpt - natural modified protocol
Embryo stuck in catheter
Transfer buddies? FET 11/29
Endometritis and TTC
Is pea protein OK while doing IVF?