Hello traveller! Whatcha doing in my profile? And mind giving me a follow?
A Little Experiment I Did ☝️🥰
Are we normalising sexual comments on posts?
For hating on subs like "found [user]" such as "foundpiper", "foundhondacivic! and "foundskully"
She just said me cute I m very happy 🥰
Found on a crappy edit on IG about operating systems
so i approached a girl and asked for her number ...and she said number is too personnel and gave me the insta id instead....
Am I the only one who doesn't know Hindi and cries everytime this happens? I often feel left out 😭
Will javelin keep rising?
Yall think they should make an insanely rare limited?
Guys how can i win😭
Muhaha the PC is now under my control!
I’m 16 and I never had a gf/wife, Is my life over?
How to friend zone someone 😂
Don't lose hope dawg😞☝🏻
Which diapers do i use
Mfs when inspect element:
A sub dedicated to discovering weird text fonts and styles.
What men really like?
oh man, everywhere you look
Should there be a miscellaneous category for trаding?
Amazon removing access to features
Link in comments.
How does it feel when someone blocks you on Reddit, assuming you were a creep, when all you were trying to do was be kind