Any groups going to rise tonight that I can join?
Mother says giving no notice to my company is bad practice.
24m looking for a gamer friend!
Just Ran Away from Work
Eli5: how does my phone shoot out air from the speakers when sound plays?
Eli5: why does my phone shoot out air from the speakers when sound plays?
394 credit score, what can I do with this?
What are some things I can do to become more creative in content making?
If there’s a “Rule 34”, then what are the rest of the rules?
Why do they do this?
Any good free electrical cad programs?
Is there any good free electrical wiring CAD programs?
Tell me, which job here is actually even remote? I’ve reported every single one.
No work = better mental health.
INTERNSHIP LETTER (please share your thoughts, I don't think I am good enough at english)
Does anyone know how to descend on ropes?
Is there any way to remove/report the “break/run” games on the ps store?
“Nobody wants to work”
r/Stocks Daily Discussion Wednesday - Jan 26, 2022
Would it be a good idea to invest in nickel mines?
7.5k preview and no I’m not showing you my record lmao!
You get to add "you piece of shit" to any movie quote. What movie quote do you choose?(NSFW)
Fuck it. You false job advertisers are getting reported whenever I see it from now. I hope everyone does the same. The remote filter is there for a reason.
why in this day and age we can’t have every football (soccer) match from every team available to watch legally?