"Betta fish drawing that caused me a month of art block"
I regret drawing it in colour sm
can anyone help me improve my rendering please?
How can I make this boolean not look like shit?
When love fades
Need help with mentality
how do i make characters look more feminine
“Womp Womp”- Yukari (OC)
If you had the power to fly, what would your flying pose be?
Who you recommend Elfen Leid?
I can't get the water right can someone help
Difficult isn't
I genuinely can’t do landscapes. Any advices?
act like it's 2012 and luo tianyi just got released.
Name me your favourite blonde character
Protect leader (OC illustration)
Its Sakura Yamauchi’s birthday🎉
So yesterday I finished P3R for the first time... What do I do with my life now?
After 10 years, I've decided I deserve a new PC. WDYT?
My first character design
What is this art style called?
For the white build enjoyers.
Why do I like the lineart version more?
What makes this art style appealing to so many people?
A zebra stops its vehicle at a zebra crossing