Ranting about Cinderpelt and Jagged peak and Deadfoot!
Who’s death were you happy to read?
What's the weirdest ship you ship?
What character would you attack/defend like this?
Which popular SP character do you hate?
Are you neurodivergent?
Blackstar literally every time an evil (sometimes hot) pos becomes leader of shadowclan
the ultamate question
Do you guys play sports?
How many of you guys own a pet?
Who wants more episodes with The Ugly Kids?
How long do you take to shower?
What do you call your mother
How many LGBTphobic friends do you have?
What are you doing when project 2025 becomes an actual law
How sensitive is your taste
What's one episode you refuse to watch for whatever reason?
What would the worst Super Edition be?
Three-color cat, what does that mean?
Non-Black teens, do you believe in "N-Word Passes"
What do you think Millie’s warrior name would’ve been if she’d let Firestar finish?
What would you do, If you saw case in WW3?
So what's the general opinion on Goosefeather?
Would you be in a heterosexual relationship with a transgender person