"You'll be able to do whatever you want when the kids are adults and out of the house". No, that is not always the case
Can we talk about infold and rafayel???
Wann haben wir als Gesellschaft aufgehört der Wissenschaft zu glauben?
[UPDATE] Alterslüge stellt Beziehung auf den Kopf
Was loving a book, until the main character became pregnant
Anyone Else Get Stressed Out Seeing How Some Kids Act With Certain Animals?
Asked to leave because of allergies
Kumpel begrapscht Freundin und sie stört es nicht.
Angst vor Spinnen, wie überwinden?
What do CF people do for hobbies?
Anyone here tired of parents telling you that you have no right to an opinion and to judge a parent and their kid because you're not a parent?
Trying to find a new game for my mum to play
“this sucks but at least i don’t have a kid”
Why are they like this?!
Ethisches Katzenfutter
Unwanted by men
Service dog training
Games with arrogant, rude and evil woman among main characters, but they're attractive.
Yes, it IS nice being childfree
Wie am besten mit dem Gefühl "nicht gewollt sein" umgehen?
Wie bringe ich meiner Maus bei, nicht mehr bei Aufregung und Freude zu SCHREIEN ?
Don't let your child run up to a dog it doesn't know FFS
When considering breeds, don't pick the cute one
Looking for games that match my tastes (High spectacle, Good Bosses, and/or Good Story)
Could a service dog help my daughter (14)? She has both acute and chronic pain as well as OCD.