Does my skullcap tincture look alright?
Looking for a color match to this!!! Been using directions turquoise, and I love how it fades! I'd like to get the "faded shade" as a color so I can skip the washing out part!
Does drinking herbal teas really make a difference in your health? For instance I’ve been drinking milk thistle and dandelion tea which are supposed to detox your liver. Will drinking this everyday actually promote a healthier liver?
Do you think that there is anything wrong with the legal weed we consume these days?
Which songs give you instant chills?
What herbs are good to increase amount of dreams or at least help remember them? (When I smoke weed I don't have or remember dreams)
Natural Remedies for sleep? As a nursing mom
The Folic Acid Conspiracy - I'm think I'm standing on the edge of a rabbit hole.
What is this?
Aswaghanda, Rhodiola and Saffron
Herbs for severe anemia?
What are you’re go to herbal teas for ulcers in the digestive track induced by NSAIDs?
Gnostic sign of the cross ?
With the FBI and CIA indicating lab leak likely cause of Covid-19, it's time to talk about Wrongful Death.
High Blood Pressure Hacks?
YSK, hospitals all across the US, don’t want to call you patients anymore, you are customers now.
Thyroid: I'm looking to stop taking Levothyroxine after 4 years. What could help?
If you don't want to ingest other people's SSRIs, statins, hormonal birth control & the microplastics within them- reverse osmosis may be your only hope
Jocelyne Wildenstein, known as the „catwoman“ dies at the age of 84
Best period tea combo for cramps?
What is a slang term in your country for being very drunk?
Should I put Cayenne Pepper in most herbal formulas?
Congress is not good at keeping secrets. Ever. After 2pm EST, expect the narrative on the drones to change entirely
Stanley Meyer, the man who tried to patent a car that ran on water
What is your favorite comedy movie that you'll never get tired of?