Anyone else missing her or is it just me??
“Stinky hat”
Opinions on cozy??
Who was heartbroken to see that Eddy’s brother was not the cool, nice guy the audience thought he might’ve been?
Is Trent worthy of recognition in the Friday hall of fame?. Travis played him in such a way that I couldn't help but love how obnoxious he was.
Day #2: What is the WORST Halloween Movie?
How do the ponies come up with names for their children?
Doing a none Kenny playthrough for the 1st time in ages and man I forgot how salty he is if u don’t side with him in the meat locker.
The most innocent trap victim ever.
Opinions on Halloween 6?
How would you change Saw 3D so she survived?
Who's your favorite character in the series? Not counting Art the Clown?
Out of all the villains, who is most likely to suffer from a bunch of mental disorders?
Day #1: What is the BEST Halloween movie?
This should have been a thing
Is Artemis the only recurring character whose life hasn’t become significantly worse since repeatedly interacting with The Gang?
G4 Grogar with red eyes. Better or nah?
Why wouldn’t Dana break it off with Terry after Rats?
Favorite/least favorite supporting character from each movie?
The Spicer cousins were a lot of fun to watch. IT's a shame Megan only got to appear in one episode, the chaotic dynamic she had with Jack felt so natural.
"We need more complex female characters" and y’all couldn’t handle her
Whats one character that most people love but you just dont really like them
When iasip does finally end someday, I think killing off the gang a la the O'Doyle family in Billy Madison would be both a great homage and hilarious way to end the series.
That pose Mac does after he lifts Dee 👏
What filler episode do you actually MISS from the original anime?