how do i make characters look more feminine
any tips on drawing figures better?
do i have good teammate luck??
legs cramp sometimes but not others?
i feel like i'm not gonna turn out well
What video game have you played the most?
shower immediately after getting home?
push or follow
how can i commit to a hobby?
how could i have won this last game
opponent on jojoban
JoJo's Bizarre Supper
I need help
I’m a current DIO main with a Jotaro alt. What are all of the combos for them all?
For newer players asking how to do timestop.
Need help with dio
Finding a video I watched
Obviously white is winning. But I missed the marvelous mate in 1 I could've pulled off.
[Help] Scripting: Making a separate line of code from the current one
PsBattle: Kitten in midair
rip for grim reaper
Perfectly balanced
haha chungus is bad haha
You do you Reddit