Whats yalls favorite genre of music??? Or top 3 artists??
Best song off 2000?
least favorite JID song
Are ass and tits the only thing you want in a girl? Like you won't date one without em?
Similar to 1Train
Amidst the currently presented array of potential alternatives, might you, distinguished gentlemen, be so inclined as to meticulously ascertain and explicitly designate the precise option to which you are collectively referring below thine title?
Gonna be called dickrider but atla is better than tpab
What do you guys wear to bed?
most underrated kendrick track of all time (imo)
I'm shorter than my friends at a whopping 163 cm(5,3) am i done for?
Best *band* starting with letter R?
I wish there was a dating app for Drake fans
If you could only hear one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
What's the one thing a girl could do which can make her instantly unattractive?
hot take: pornography is top 3 rodeo
What is your favorite rap song?
A pic has never offended me this much
I really hate seeing these type niggas on most rap sites
Illmatic Is *Almost* Perfect?
What artist you listening to right now?
What is pros of being a girl ?
What rappers really live the life they rap?
do boys like smart girls??
Day 1: What is Kendrick's Best Album?