I am going to be fighting my friend in either 4 months or a year. I weigh 155 lb and will be training jiu jitsu and a little bit of kickboxing/muay thia and he will not be training anything but he does weigh 190. Who will win this fight?
I am going to be fighting my friend who thinks jiu jitsu doesn’t work in a year and I have just started training. Do I have a decent chance of beating him
Would I be able to make a homemade mat with this foam?
How long should I train before I roll with another white belt?
Is this bike worth it or could this cost too much to fix? (2009 Yamaha FZ6R)
Are there any cnc Shields that work with the TMC2029 stepper motor driver?
Is this a good deal? $50
Is this a good classical guitar for $50?
Are there any actual ways to make money with a DJI mini 3 pro and nothing else?
Looking to buy this 2009 KLR off of Facebook marketplace for $1900. Is this price too good to be true and what are some things i should look out for/ask the owner about?
Would it be rude/inappropriate to get in contact with an agent through Zillow
0 seconds in and it already sucks
how the hell did they get the power armor? (SPOILERS!!)
I am brand new to cheat engine, I know online games can see if you write to the memory but can they see if you are only reading it?
I am about to prestige, what should I buy with my extra gold
Is the pit dead?
I was a fuck up in high school and want to go to a state school
What would happen if I started selling unofficial merch of and with a colleges logo on it
How do I START a 3d printing business
What would be the easiest gun to 3d print?
How do I at least somewhat automate custom orders
Looking for a good tutorial
Official ADD ME thread -- January 2022
How do I find the right battery and speed controller for a motor?