to prove she's considerate of me she ... ignores everything i say?
This is a weird thing to say right?
The way they unintentionally admit their words are meaningless
if i didnt know better, i would think she hates my entire personaliy
Happy wife happy life will never sound funny again to me
family enmeshment leading to improvement and regression?
If my exBPD had an HONEST dating profile:
self awareness is not the strong suite
I can mention problems mentally, by not explaining them?
You are not a real man
Do they lie about all of their trauma?
Does your pwBPD act like something didn't happen?
Do they destroy relationships with family/ set fire to everything?
Why do they invite you and pretend they didnt?
Typical argument in BPD relationship
My Ex decided to commit to regular Therapy, what is the future like?
Do they truly believe they are the victim
Tells me I'm too "soft" and cant take criticism
They love getting validation, they hate reciprocating
Suggesting divorce/separation and then immediately changing her mind.
Can I Control You? Yes, so i love you.
MIL and SO being overly nice all of a sudden
This pwBPD has a burning desire for control, they crave it like a drug.
Is this a sign of bpd abuse?
Reading Posts from People with BPD is Hilarious