I need someone to tell me I'm not crazy please because I just experienced probably the strangest thing today.
Psychedelic Metal/Hard Rock
Can I talk to anybody please? I’m feeling the worst I ever felt and I might kill myself today.
'Movies don't change but their viewers do': Movies that hit differently when you watch them at an older age.
Provo Canyon School Springville campus could lose its license.
Why does the Y capacitor (Cy) reduce iCM but increase leakage current?
Paul Thomas Anderson's new film is indeed a contemporary take on Vineland, titled 'One Battle After Another'
There can only be one.
Stop scrolling. Read this.
A song for us survivors
Tetris during hypomanic/manic episodes
i've drawn 40 gas stations in ballpoint pen because i think they're cool
Anything nearly as crazy as NYN's Entropy: Of Chaos and Salt?
Extreme shit
I'm reading The Pale King and just read Subsection 19 and I think I'm going to break down.
“I kept thinking I really should go up and check on The Darkness.”
Are there any Pynchonian writers who write about today's world in the way that Pynchon wrote about the 20th century world?
What's a band that you can't stop listening to?
I did my best to bring some of Pynchon's songs to life
Who gets the aux?
Technical Black Metal is a Thing?
I just found out my best friend from treatment died.
Took 9 grams last night and found my purpose.
What shows you going to?
provo canyon