Why do I like my portfolio
Whats the stock that you yolo’d just before this dippity dip ?
Who does Suhana khan looks like more. Sharukh khan or Gauri khan
Stock to buy on Monday
Good buy?
Is sonata a good buy?
Missing person
Zaggle prepaid
Why are post covid investors like this ? Stop paniking
Where to Invest right now?!
Stock market future.
Trading long term
My hair doesn’t grow past my shoulders. Recommendation for hair care routine.
my 25th birthday today
Are men okay with marrying financially dependent girls.
It’s my birthday on 20th jan
I just turned 29 50 minutes ago
AITA since everyone in my family hates me.!!!!!!!!!!!
AITA since everyone in my family hates me.
I hate my family and i really want to escape from this hell hole.
Why do I hate my family so much?
I need some money guyss. Who’s willing to send me money. I won’t ask for more than 1000 rupees. Just help this poor kid out