What are everyone's favourite reveals in the show?
Why did Jack go to California after Chicago between Day 4 and Day 5 under a new identity?
What would be the stupidest possible ending for the series?
For each season, do you prefer the 1st half or the 2nd half?
The Rookie - S07E10: Chaos Agent
This is more of a follow up post to my last one. If Day 1 was to be remade today, who would you want to be cast as the characters? If you don't have a casting, just don't comment.
If there was to be a 24 bingo chart, what would be on it?
The music taste of characters
Need help with an in-universe documentary I want to make about Heisenberg and Jimmy McGill. Bb and bcs spoilers ahead.
What happened in the 24 AFTER different seasons?
Ignoring the fact Jack isn't in it, what does everyone think of Legacy?
I need some help with an in universe documentary about Jack bauer, covering the events of Day 1. Does anyone have or have any idea of in universe pieces of media I can use?
Who remembers the name of this guy on tik tok?
Today, it has (allegedly) been 25 years since season 1 took place. I'm in the UK by the way.
What would Days 2-9 be called?
In the universe of 24, what political party are the presidents?
Character trauma
What’s your low key cringiest episode?
Will Oscar and Monica be back?
Why does the clock get so loud in the later seasons?
How do we know the original modern warfare trilogy timeline? I've seen people say dates like August 2016.
How do we know the original modern warfare timeline?
How do we know the original modern warfare trilogy timeline?